Early-bird Promo Book Now & Save $200 UNTIL January 31 ONLY

RETREAT MAY 18-MAY 25, 2024 TRAINING MAY 18-JUNE 1, 2024 Bali, Indonesia

RETREAT MAY 18-MAY 25, 2024 TRAINING MAY 18-JUNE 1, 2024 Bali, Indonesia

The Divine Feminine is rising... Can you feel it?
Are you on a quest to discover what it means to be an empowered, embodied and creative woman in today’s world?

You are invited to reconnect with your feminine wisdom, heal, awaken your creativity and sensuality and rise to your fullest potential! Rekindle the magic and mystery that is your feminine essence.

The Divine Feminine is rising... Can you feel it? Are you on a quest to discover what it means to be an empowered, embodied and creative woman in today’s world?

You are invited to reconnect with your feminine wisdom, heal, awaken your creativity and sensuality and rise to your fullest potential! Rekindle the magic and mystery that is your feminine essence.

Early-bird Promo Book Now & Save $200 UNTIL January 31 ONLY

  • Retreat May 18-May 25

7 Nights, Saturday to Saturday

  • ​Training May 18-June 1

14 Nights, Saturday to Saturday

  • Bali, Indonesia

Luxurious Hillside Resort

  • ​150 CEUs For RYT

From the Yoga Alliance

  • Retreat May 18-May 25, 2024

7 Nights, Saturday to Saturday

  • ​Training May 18-June 1, 2024

14 Nights, Saturday to Saturday

  • ​Training May 18-June 1, 2024

For Registered Yoga Teachers

  • Bali, Indonesia

A Luxurious Resort in the Foothills of Ubud

  • Retreat May 18-May 25, 2024

7 Nights, Saturday to Saturday

  • ​Training May 18-June 1, 2024

14 Nights, Saturday to Saturday

  • Bali, Indonesia

Luxurious Hillside Resort

  • 150 CEUS FOR RYT

From the Yoga Alliance

Everyone needs to look to the Divine Feminine. This is the dominant challenge that faces every society, and the future of humanity depends on meeting the challenge as consciously and as soon as possible.

—Deepak Chopra

Everyone needs to look to the Divine Feminine. This is the dominant challenge that faces every society, and the future of humanity depends on meeting the challenge as consciously and as soon as possible.

—Deepak Chopra

In This Special Women's Retreat + tRAINING

Harness and cultivate your sensual energy for your creative aspirations (music, dance, poetry, business, etc.)

Release life-long blocks and limited beliefs

Deepen your yoga and meditation practice

Balance your masculine and feminine energies

Reverse cultural conditioning

Facilitate a clear connection between your womb, heart and brain

Create space for the life of your choosing

Remember your connection with the Earth

Become the most confident, empowered and abundant version of yourself

Celebrate your feminine body

Unlock the inherent joy and abundance within

Feel more pleasure in your body and your life

Deepen your understanding of Tao Tantric Arts and how to apply these ancient self-care practices in everyday life

And so much more!

In This Special Women's Retreat + tRAINING

Harness and cultivate your sensual energy for your creative aspirations (music, dance, poetry, business, etc.)

Release life-long blocks and limited beliefs

Deepen your yoga and meditation practice

Balance your masculine and feminine energies

Reverse cultural conditioning

Facilitate a clear connection between your womb, heart and brain

Create space for the life of your choosing

Forgive yourself and others in order to experience more freedom

Become the most confident, empowered and abundant version of yourself

Celebrate your sensuality and embrace your erotic innocence

Unlock the freedom and joy that exist within you

Feel more pleasure in your body and your life

Deepen your understanding of Tao Tantric Arts and how to apply these ancient self-care practices in everyday life

And so much more!

This was a full body, soul and mind transformation for me. I have done this work for over a year, but the time in Bali's sacred bubble was incredibly unique. I was able to untether from old patterns and programming to be able to choose my next steps forward.

—Sophia Conn
Recruiter & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

Life changed. So grateful to Shayna for continuing her training beyond yoga teacher and business coach, and moving into tantra and embodiment and teaching it in such an empowering, sensual, safe and accessible way. THANK YOU!

—Natalie K.

Apply today and celebrate yourself for this wise investment.

Apply today and celebrate yourself for this wise investment.

...of the Embodied Wisdom Retreat + Training is for you to directly experience what it means to be an empowered, liberated and activated woman in our world.

Times are changing, and we are in the midst of a long overdue and essential upgrade in the way we perceive our bodies and the way we live our lives as women. You are invited to join a group of sisters and seekers as we remember and awaken the Sacred Feminine within each of us and nourish ourselves on the cellular level.

This journey is an invitation to generate coherence between the brain and body and thereby reclaim your inner wisdom and full potential as a woman.

...of the Embodied Wisdom Retreat + Training is for you to directly experience what it means to be an empowered, liberated and turned-on woman in our world.

Times are changing, and we are in the midst of a long overdue and essential upgrade in the way we perceive our bodies and the way we live our lives as women. You are invited to join a group of sisters and seekers as we remember and awaken the Sacred Feminine within each of us and nourish ourselves on the cellular level.

This journey is an invitation to generate coherence between the brain and body and thereby reclaim your inner wisdom and full potential as a woman.

...is our center of creativity and pleasure.

When mindfully harnessed and cultivated, the same force that creates life itself can also be used to help us materialize other desires such as: starting and growing a business, writing a book, art and poetry, calling in healthy relationships… The list is literally endless. 

It is the vortex for deep healing and personal transformation.

When we get curious about moving in the direction of pleasure, we automatically open the door to start attracting more abundance and fulfillment into our lives.

...is our center of creativity and pleasure.

When mindfully harnessed and cultivated, the same force that creates life itself can also be used to help us materialize other desires such as: starting and growing a business, writing a book, art and poetry, calling in healthy relationships… The list is literally endless. 

It is the vortex for deep healing and personal transformation.

When we get curious about moving in the direction of pleasure, we automatically open the door to start attracting more abundance and fulfillment into our lives.

...in ritual is one of the most potent forces on the planet. 

It is an ancient tradition that has conveniently been forgotten in a fast-paced society with many obligations. 

When we become distracted by the doings of life, it’s easy to override our inner knowing and ignore our deeper needs. This is the journey back home to yourself. 

Something remarkable happens when women share space, energy, presence, movement, breath and truth.

Our group energy makes us stronger. To be witnessed, supported and celebrated by another woman gives us permission to blossom into our fullest unique expression. Together we support each other to release shame and stagnation in order to gracefully birth our deepest dreams and desires.

...in ritual is one of the most potent forces on the planet. 

It is an ancient tradition that has conveniently been forgotten in a fast-paced society with many obligations.

When we become distracted by the doings of life, it’s easy to override our inner knowing and ignore our deeper needs. This is the journey back home to yourself.  

Something remarkable happens when women share space, energy, presence, movement, breath and truth.

Our group energy makes us stronger. To be witnessed, supported and celebrated by another woman gives us permission to blossom into our fullest unique expression. Together we support each other to release shame and stagnation in order to gracefully birth our deepest dreams and desires.

...is rising. Can you feel it?

Women from all walks of life are seeking guidance to learn what it means to be an empowered, awake woman in today's world.

Women are yearning to reconnect with their femininity, process and heal trauma, break ancestral patterns, awaken sensuality and rise to their fullest potential... It's about time!

...is rising. Can you feel it?

Women from all walks of life are seeking guidance to learn what it means to be an empowered, awake woman in today's world.

Women are yearning to reconnect with their femininity, process and heal trauma, break ancestral patterns, awaken sensuality and rise to their fullest potential... It's about time!

The retreat is designed for self-care and healing in paradise, and the retreat + training combo is a deeper dive into the Sacred Feminine Arts and an invitation for those who feel called to guide women on their journey of embodiment and expansion, and step into their next level of leadership.

The retreat + training consists of the retreat in the first week, PLUS the training in the second week to deepen the practices learned during the retreat and learn how to facilitate.

1 week, May 18th-May 25th

It’s (been) time for some serious self-care.

You want to feel more confident in your body.

You are curious to learn practices and rituals to awaken pleasure as a healing modality.

You want to release shame, old stories and experiences that may have led you to feel disconnected from your body’s wisdom.

You want to break free from patterns and habits that keep you stuck in a cycle of procrastination, fear and stress.

You are ready to awaken your full potential as a healer, leader, lover and creatrix.

Pamper yourself with a luxurious week in one of the most spiritually rich, lush magical lands on the planet.

You are craving sisterhood and authentic connections with like-hearted women from around the world.

2 weeks, May 18th-June 1st

Includes EVERYTHING IN THE RETREAT, plus more.

Become a vessel to spread the ancient feminine teachings.

Add more tools to your teaching toolbox in order to create unique offerings geared towards feminine awakening.

Ready to embrace the healer and priestess path.

Awaken the Medicine Woman within.

Feeling the call to activate next-level leadership.

You desire to receive more abundance in your life.

Build confidence and find your authentic voice.

The retreat is designed for self-care and healing in paradise, and the retreat + training combo is a deeper dive into the Sacred Feminine Arts and an invitation for those who feel called to guide women on their journey of embodiment and expansion, and step into their next level of leadership.

The retreat + training consists of the retreat in the first week, PLUS the training in the second week

to deepen the practices learned during the retreat and learn how to facilitate.

1 week, May 18th-May 25th

It’s (been) time for some serious self-care.

You want to feel more confident in your body.

You are curious to learn practices and rituals to awaken pleasure as a healing modality.

You want to release shame, old stories and experiences that may have led you to feel disconnected from your body’s wisdom.

You want to break free from patterns and habits that keep you stuck in a cycle of procrastination, fear and stress.

You are ready to awaken your full potential as a healer, leader, lover and creatrix.

Pamper yourself with a luxurious week in one of the most spiritually rich, lush magical lands on the planet.

You are craving sisterhood and authentic connections with like-hearted women from around the world.

2 weeks, May 18th-June 1st

Includes EVERYTHING IN THE RETREAT, plus more.

Become a vessel to spread the ancient feminine teachings.

Add more tools to your teaching toolbox in order to create unique offerings geared towards feminine awakening.

Ready to embrace the healer and priestess path.

Awaken the Medicine Woman within.

Feeling the call to activate next-level leadership.

You desire to receive more abundance in your life.

Build confidence and find your authentic voice.

Consider this an invitation to reclaim your body, her unique cycles, her subtle signals and her deep wisdom and power on this enlightening weeklong retreat. 

The retreat includes: 

  • 7 nights' accommodation

  • Transfer to and from retreat center on day or arrival and day of departure

  • ​Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner (including a special fancy farewell dinner on your last night) 

  • Yoga, qi gong and meditation 

  • ​Breathwork and embodiment practices

Consider this an invitation to reclaim your body, her unique cycles, her subtle signals and her deep wisdom and power on this enlightening weeklong retreat. 

The retreat includes: 

  • 7 nights' accommodation

  • Transfer to and from retreat center on day or arrival and day of departure

  • ​​Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner (including a special fancy farewell dinner on your last night) 

  • Yoga, qi gong and meditation 

  • ​Breathwork and embodiment practices

This is your opportunity to peel away layers of old beliefs that no longer serve your body, your heart and your mind as a sensual woman gifted with the powers of pleasure, wisdom and creativity. 

In the retreat, also get ready for: 

  • Womb clearing 

  • Shamanic healing

  • Sharing circles  

  • ​ Sensual awakening ritual  

  • ​Vocal toning and chanting  

  • ​Tao self-massage 

  • ​Introduction to jade egg practice

This is your opportunity to peel away layers of old beliefs that no longer serve your body, your heart and your mind as a sensual woman gifted with the powers of pleasure, wisdom and creativity. 

In the retreat, also get ready for: 

  • Womb clearing 

  • Shamanic healing

  • Sharing circles  

  • ​ Sensual awakening ritual  

  • ​Vocal toning and chanting  

  • ​Tao self-massage 

  • ​Introduction to jade egg practice

What you will walk away with after this experience:

  • A nourishing soulful connection with your body.

  • Inspiration and creativity that you can easily weave into your daily life.

  • The ability to articulate your truth with clarity and confidence.

  • ​ You will know how to listen to your body and honor her wisdom and guidance.

  • A personal practice and daily rituals to keep the fire burning.

  • ​ The ability to access a cauldron of sensuality, pleasure and creative energy within you.

  • ​Owning your desires and expressing your authentic self.

  • ​Sisterhood, friendship and love.

What you will walk away with after this experience:

  • A nourishing soulful connection with your body.

  • Inspiration and creativity that you can easily weave into your daily life.

  • The ability to articulate your truth with clarity and confidence.

  • ​ You will know how to listen to your body and honor her wisdom and guidance.

  • A personal practice and daily rituals to keep the fire burning.

  • ​ The ability to access a cauldron of sensuality, pleasure and creative energy within you.

  • ​Owning your desires and expressing your authentic self.

  • ​Sisterhood, friendship and love.

I can't wait to connect, move, indulge and create with you!

I can't wait to connect, move, indulge and create with you!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[T]he perfect way to end my 20s and begin a new chapter in my life.

The Embodied Wisdom Women’s Sensuality Retreat was the perfect way to end my 20s and begin a new chapter in my life. I loved all of the rituals I learned... I’ve made lifelong friends. Shayna is an amazing teacher, confidant, leader, friend, mentor, and woman. I came on this retreat hoping to gain more confidence in myself and connect my mind to my body and soul. I left accomplishing these goals. This retreat was a true metamorphosis for me.

Tess C., Embodied Wisdom Participant

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I feel so much more open and available to my husband...

I feel like I've come home to myself as a woman and as a sexual being on this planet. It feels like it's sticking, and that's the thing that's been hard for me... I feel so much more open and available to my husband, which is a huge shift because I was always hiding or covering or not exposing myself to him, but now I feel so much more able to.

Lindsay S., Embodied Wisdom Participant

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I recommend this retreat for all the women out there.

Thank you so much for the healing work, the goddess energy and the women’s circle love. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for the loving presence and your truth. I recommend this retreat for all the women out there.

Mihiri DaSilva, MD, Embodied Wisdom Participant

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[T]he perfect way to end my 20s and begin a new chapter in my life.

The Embodied Wisdom Women’s Sensuality Retreat was the perfect way to end my 20s and begin a new chapter in my life. I loved all of the rituals I learned... I’ve made lifelong friends. Shayna is an amazing teacher, confidant, leader, friend, mentor, and woman. I came on this retreat hoping to gain more confidence in myself and connect my mind to my body and soul. I left accomplishing these goals. This retreat was a true metamorphosis for me.

Tess C., Embodied Wisdom Participant

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I feel so much more open and available to my husband...

I feel like I've come home to myself as a woman and as a sexual being on this planet. It feels like it's sticking, and that's the thing that's been hard for me... I feel so much more open and available to my husband, which is a huge shift because I was always hiding or covering or not exposing myself to him, but now I feel so much more able to.

Lindsay S., Embodied Wisdom Participant

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I recommend this retreat for all the women out there.

Thank you so much for the healing work, the goddess energy and the women’s circle love. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for the loving presence and your truth. I recommend this retreat for all the women out there.

Mihiri DaSilva, MD, Embodied Wisdom Participant

If you feel the call to be a safe space for women

to reclaim their wholeness while creating a life of purpose and prosperity, this training will teach you how to harness your wisdom, confidence and unique gifts as you embark on the Priestess path and embody next-level leadership…

You may also choose to take the training
as a personal growth journey

and a deep dive into the sacred feminine arts in order to rewire your cellular memory and connect with your Divine Feminine essence. This work can be used to enhance various creative endeavors in your life from dance to writing, art, physical health, business, relationships and more.

This trauma-informed, interdisciplinary training

in Embodied Feminine Leadership will equip you with a variety of tools to support yourself and others in remembering that which has been forgotten and creating a ripple effect for women around the world.

If you feel the call to be a safe space for women

to reclaim their wholeness while creating a life of purpose and prosperity, this training will teach you how to harness your wisdom, confidence and unique gifts as you embark on the Priestess path and embody next-level leadership…

You may also choose to take the training as a personal growth journey

and a deep dive into the sacred feminine arts in order to rewire your cellular memory and connect with your Divine Feminine essence. This work can be used to enhance various creative endeavors in your life from dance to writing, art, physical health, business, relationships and more.

This trauma-informed, interdisciplinary training

in Embodied Feminine Leadership will equip you with a variety of tools to support yourself and others in remembering that which has been forgotten and creating a ripple effect for women around the world.

If you are already a teacher, healer, healthcare worker, therapist or coach—the comprehensive training will upgrade your skill sets with a focus on women’s wellness, healing and embodiment.

The training includes EVERYTHING IN THE RETREAT plus an extra week of immersive certification training to become an Embodied Wisdom Facilitator (total 14 nights' accommodation).

Trainees will be qualified to:

  • Lead women’s circles.

  • Guide group and 1:1 embodiment sessions including energetic womb clearing, sensual awakening rituals, breast massage and crystal egg practice.

  • Mentor women on the topics of pleasure, embodiment and self-love.

  • Combine these practices with other healing modalities such as yoga, meditation, sound healing, breath work, Reiki, massage, dance, coaching, etc.

If you are already a teacher, healer, healthcare worker, therapist or coach—the comprehensive training will upgrade your skill sets with a focus on women’s wellness, healing and embodiment.

The training includes EVERYTHING IN THE RETREAT plus an extra week of immersive certification training to become an Embodied Wisdom Facilitator (total 14 nights' accommodation).

Trainees will be qualified to:

  • Lead women’s circles.

  • Guide group and 1:1 embodiment sessions including energetic womb clearing, sensual awakening rituals, breast massage and crystal egg practice.

  • Mentor women on the topics of pleasure, embodiment and self-love.

  • Combine these practices with other healing modalities such as yoga, meditation, sound healing, breath work, Reiki, massage, dance, coaching, etc.

The two-week training is limited to 14 women and is eligible for 150 of the mandatory CEU requirements for Registered Yoga Teachers through the Yoga Alliance.

Practices we will be exploring on the training are:

  • Hands-on healing modalities

  • Energy healing basics

  • Tao breast massage

  • Voice alchemy

  • Creating sacred space/opening and closing healing containers

  • Channeling 101

  • How to guide women’s circles

  • Womb-clearing rituals

  • Dynamic meditations and breathwork

  • Creating your offer/wombstorming sessions

  • Cord-cutting ritual

  • Taoist Jade Egg Practice

  • Embodied Feminine Leadership

The two-week training is limited to 14 women and is eligible for 150 of the mandatory CEU requirements for Registered Yoga Teachers through the Yoga Alliance.

Practices we will be exploring on the training are:

  • Hands-on healing modalities

  • Energy healing basics

  • Tao breast massage

  • Voice alchemy

  • Creating sacred space/opening and closing healing containers

  • Channeling 101

  • How to guide women’s circles

  • Womb-clearing rituals

  • Dynamic meditations and breathwork

  • Creating your offer/wombstorming sessions

  • Cord-cutting ritual

  • Taoist Jade Egg Practice

  • Embodied Feminine Leadership

Applicants who are interested in attending the training will be scheduled to have an interview with Shayna to determine eligibility. Please note: Not all applicants will be accepted to train as an Embodied Wisdom Facilitator.

Participation in the training also does not guarantee certification. You must attend all sessions or make up missed content in order to become certified.

If you're a member of Shayna’s virtual women’s mentorship program, the Embodied Wisdom Academy, you will receive a member-exclusive savings of $500 off of the training. Just make sure you select "Yes" when you're asked if you're part of the "Embodied Wisdom Academy" at the end of the online application form.

If you also want to be part of the Academy and get the $500 savings for the training in Bali, just check the box that offers "Embodied Wisdom Academy" when you checkout.

Applicants who are interested in attending the training will be scheduled to have an interview with Shayna to determine eligibility. Please note: Not all applicants will be accepted to train as an Embodied Wisdom Facilitator.

Participation in the training also does not guarantee certification. You must attend all sessions or make up missed content in order to become certified.

If you're a member of Shayna’s virtual women’s mentorship program, the Embodied Wisdom Academy, you will receive a member-exclusive savings of $500 off of the training. Just make sure you select "Yes" when you're asked if you're part of the "Embodied Wisdom Academy" at the end of the online application form.

If you also want to be part of the Academy and get the $500 savings for the training in Bali, just check the box that offers "Embodied Wisdom Academy" when you checkout.

If you’re curious and you feel called to this work, apply now.

If you’re curious and you feel called to this work, apply now.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I loved everything about the training. Literally everything.

I loved everything about the training. Literally everything. The great training, the wonderful yoga classes, the yummy food, the great nature, the peaceful and supporting atmosphere, the wonderful people, the activities, and experiencing the country.... everything! It was also beautiful to connect with each person in the woman's circle. The yoga sessions were so thoughtfully done, with an excellent connection and cohesion between them. The teachings and the movements were our own journey—a shared, but deeply rooted personal journey... I feel honored and grateful to have been a part of this training.

Katherine Chang, Accountant, Yoga Teacher & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I was able to untether from old patterns and programming...

This was a full body, soul and mind transformation for me. I have done this work for over a year, but the time in Bali's sacred bubble was incredibly unique. I was able to untether from old patterns and programming to be able to choose my next steps forward.

Sophia Conn, Recruiter & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The training has contributed to my deep healing...

The training has contributed to my deep healing, which never would have happened without Shayna's guidance. [She and the guest teachers] have guided me to heal, transform, create physical and spiritual life and to my Dharma. The connection between all the women was profound, open and deep. Each other's wounds were healed through each other. The energy was palpable and safe. I loved learning new practices that were simple yet effective... so much so that I feel confident taking them out into the real world and sharing them with others.

Diana Davis-Dyer, Film Producer, Director & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I loved everything about the training. Literally everything.

I loved everything about the training. Literally everything. The great training, the wonderful yoga classes, the yummy food, the great nature, the peaceful and supporting atmosphere, the wonderful people, the activities, and experiencing the country.... everything! It was also beautiful to connect with each person in the woman's circle. The yoga sessions were so thoughtfully done, with an excellent connection and cohesion between them. The teachings and the movements were our own journey—a shared, but deeply rooted personal journey... I feel honored and grateful to have been a part of this training.

Katherine Chang, Accountant, Yoga Teacher & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I was able to untether from old patterns and programming...

This was a full body, soul and mind transformation for me. I have done this work for over a year, but the time in Bali's sacred bubble was incredibly unique. I was able to untether from old patterns and programming to be able to choose my next steps forward.

Sophia Conn, Recruiter & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The training has contributed to my deep healing...

The training has contributed to my deep healing, which never would have happened without Shayna's guidance. [She and the guest teachers] have guided me to heal, transform, create physical and spiritual life and to my Dharma. The connection between all the women was profound, open and deep. Each other's wounds were healed through each other. The energy was palpable and safe. I loved learning new practices that were simple yet effective... so much so that I feel confident taking them out into the real world and sharing them with others.

Diana Davis-Dyer, Film Producer, Director & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

What Your Journey Includes

from the busy-ness of everyday life to relax, restore and rejuvenate yourself in one of the most yummy places on earth. I look forward to sharing the beauty and magic of Bali with you!


Full retreat and/or training curriculum with Shayna Hiller

plus guest teachers


7 or 14 Nights' stay at a luxury hillside wellness resort

nestled just 40 minutes outside the popular Bali town of Ubud


Transfer to and from retreat center

on day of arrival and day of departure


Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner

including a special fancy farewell dinner on the last night of both the retreat and training


1-Hour Balinese massage at the resort spa

2-week trainees receive two massages


Balinese blessing

at hotel temple as part of retreat opening ceremony


A plate of tropical fruit and 2 complimentary bottles of mineral water

per day per room


Free use of health and wellness facilities during free time

pool, gym, hot jacuzzi and herbal steam bath in spa


Free scheduled transport to Ubud area for Shakti Shopping Day

during retreat week


Free Wi-Fi

at guest villa and public area


Embodied Wisdom Retreat Manual & Embodied Wisdom Women’s Facilitator Training Manual

retreat manual for 1-week participants and training manual for full 2-week participants


Crystal Yoni egg

in Rose Quartz


2-Hour customized bodywork session with guest teacher Diego Wallraff

(worth $500) for 2-week program participants


150 Continuing Education Units for RYT yoga teachers

for 2-week program participants

What Your Journey Includes

from the busy-ness of everyday life to relax, restore and rejuvenate yourself in one of the most yummy places on earth. I look forward to sharing the beauty and magic of Bali with you!

Full retreat and/or training curriculum

with Shayna and guest teachers

7 or 14 Nights' stay at a luxury hillside wellness resort

nestled just 40 minutes outside the popular Bali town of Ubud

Transfer to and from retreat center

on day of arrival and day of departure

Daily brunch and dinner

(including a special fancy farewell dinner on the last night of both the retreat and training)

1-Hour Balinese massage at the spa

2-week trainees receive two massages

Balinese blessing

at hotel temple as part of retreat opening ceremony

A plate of tropical fruit and 2 complimentary bottles of mineral water

per day per room

Free use of health and wellness facilities during free time

(pool, gym, hot jacuzzi and herbal steam bath in spa)

Free scheduled transport to Ubud area

for Shakti Shopping Day during retreat week

Free Wi-Fi

at guest villa and public area

Embodied Wisdom Retreat Manual &
Embodied Wisdom Women’s Facilitator Training Manual

(retreat manual for 1-week participants and training manual for full 2-week participants)

Crystal Yoni egg

in Rose Quartz

2-Hour customized bodywork session with guest teacher Diego Wallraff

(worth $500; included for 2-week program participants only)

What Your Journey Includes

from the busy-ness of everyday life to relax, restore and rejuvenate yourself in one of the most yummy places on earth. I look forward to sharing the beauty and magic of Bali with you!

Full retreat and/or training curriculum with Shayna Hiller

plus guest teachers

7 or 14 Nights' stay at a luxury hillside wellness resort

nestled just 40 minutes outside the popular Bali town of Ubud

Transfer to and from retreat center

on day of arrival and day of departure

Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner

including a special fancy farewell dinner on the last night of both the retreat and training

1-Hour Balinese massage at the resort spa

2-week trainees receive two massages

Balinese blessing

at hotel temple as part of retreat opening ceremony

A plate of tropical fruit and 2 complimentary bottles of mineral water

per day per room

Free use of health and wellness facilities during free time

(pool, gym, hot jacuzzi and herbal steam bath in spa)

Free scheduled transport to Ubud area for Shakti Shopping Day

during retreat week

Free Wi-Fi

at guest villa and public area

Embodied Wisdom Retreat Manual &
Embodied Wisdom Women’s Facilitator Training Manual

retreat manual for 1-week participants and training manual for full 2-week participants

Crystal Yoni egg

in Rose Quartz

2-Hour customized bodywork session with guest teacher Diego Wallraff

(worth $500) for 2-week program participants

150 Continuing Education Units for RYT yoga teachers

for 2-week program participants

What Your Journey Includes

from the busy-ness of everyday life to relax, restore and rejuvenate yourself in one of the most yummy places on earth. I look forward to sharing the beauty and magic of Bali with you!

This experience will transform your life in the most subtle, mystical and magical of ways. What could be more valuable than one (or two) weeks devoted to your growth, healing, pleasure, Mother Nature and loving community? If you feel the impulse to join this event, I invite you to trust that urge and do what it takes to give yourself this gift as an act of self-love. Life will always be too busy, and our minds will continue to conveniently craft up clever convincing reasons as to why it's just 'not the right time'. The truth is, it will never be the right time until and unless you make it the right time. And all I gotta say is... girl, you deserve to choose you!

Full retreat and/or training curriculum

with Shayna and guest teachers

7 or 14 Nights' stay at a luxury hillside wellness resort

nestled just 40 minutes outside the popular Bali town of Ubud

Transfer to and from retreat center

on day of arrival and day of departure

Daily brunch and dinner

(including a special fancy farewell dinner on the last night of both the retreat and training)

1-Hour Balinese massage at the spa

2-week trainees receive two massages

Balinese blessing

at hotel temple as part of retreat opening ceremony

A plate of tropical fruit and 2 complimentary bottles of mineral water

per day per room

Free use of health and wellness facilities during free time

(pool, gym, hot jacuzzi and herbal steam bath in spa)

Free scheduled transport to Ubud area

for Shakti Shopping Day during retreat week

Free Wi-Fi

at guest villa and public area

Embodied Wisdom Retreat Manual &
Embodied Wisdom Women’s Facilitator Training Manual

(retreat manual for 1-week participants and training manual for full 2-week participants)

Crystal Yoni egg

in Rose Quartz

2-Hour customized bodywork session with guest teacher Diego Wallraff

(worth $500; included for 2-week program participants only)

7 or 14 nights stay at a luxury wellness resort

nestled just 40 minutes outside the popular Bali town of Ubud ◈ Transfer to and from retreat center on day or arrival and day of departure ◈ Daily breakfast, lunch & dinner (including a special fancy farewell dinner on the last night of both, the retreat and training) ◈ 1-hour Balinese massage at the spa (for all participants) ◈ Balinese blessing at hotel temple as part of retreat opening ceremony ◈ A plate of tropical fruit (replaced daily) ◈ Free use of health and wellness facilities during free time (Pool, Gym, Hot Jacuzzi and Herbal steam bath in Spa) ◈ Free use of health and wellness facilities during free time (Pool, Gym, Hot Jacuzzi and Herbal steam bath in Spa) ◈ 2 complimentary bottles of mineral water per day per room ◈ Free scheduled transport to Ubud area for Shakti Shopping Day during retreat week ◈ Free Wi-Fi at guest villa and public area ◈ Embodied Wisdom Retreat Manual for one-week retreat participants and Embodied Wisdom Women’s Facilitator Training Manual* (training manual is for those who are enrolled in full 2-week program) ◈ Crystal Yoni Egg (choose between rose quartz, nephrite jade and black obsidian) ◈ 2-hour Customized Bodywork Session with Diego Wallraff (worth $500; included for 2-week program participants only)

7 or 14 nights' stay at a luxury wellness resort

nestled just 40 minutes outside the popular Bali town of Ubud

Transfer to and from retreat center

on day or arrival and day of departure

Daily breakfast, lunch & dinner

(including a special fancy farewell dinner on the last night of both the retreat and training)

1-hour Balinese massage

at the spa (for all participants)

Balinese blessing

at hotel temple as part of retreat opening ceremony

A plate of tropical fruit

(replaced daily)

Free use of health and wellness facilities during free time

(Pool, Gym, Hot Jacuzzi & Herbal steam bath in Spa)

2 complimentary bottles of mineral water

per day per room

Free scheduled transport to Ubud area

for Shakti Shopping Day during retreat week

Free Wi-Fi

at guest villa and public area

Embodied Wisdom Retreat Manual*

& Embodied Wisdom Women’s Facilitator Training Manual**

(manual* for 1-week participants and training manual** for full 2-week program participants)

Crystal yoni egg

(choose between rose quartz, nephrite jade & black obsidian)

2-hour customized bodywork session with Diego Wallraff

(worth $500; included for 2-week program participants only)

7 or 14 nights stay at a luxury wellness resort

nestled just 40 minutes outside the popular Bali town of Ubud ◈ Transfer to and from retreat center on day or arrival and day of departure ◈ Daily breakfast, lunch & dinner (including a special fancy farewell dinner on the last night of both, the retreat and training) ◈ 1-hour Balinese massage at the spa (for all participants) ◈ Balinese blessing at hotel temple as part of retreat opening ceremony ◈ A plate of tropical fruit (replaced daily) ◈ Free use of health and wellness facilities during free time (Pool, Gym, Hot Jacuzzi and Herbal steam bath in Spa) ◈ Free use of health and wellness facilities during free time (Pool, Gym, Hot Jacuzzi and Herbal steam bath in Spa) ◈ 2 complimentary bottles of mineral water per day per room ◈ Free scheduled transport to Ubud area for Shakti Shopping Day during retreat week ◈ Free Wi-Fi at guest villa and public area ◈ Embodied Wisdom Retreat Manual for one-week retreat participants and Embodied Wisdom Women’s Facilitator Training Manual* (training manual is for those who are enrolled in full 2-week program) ◈ Crystal Yoni Egg (choose between rose quartz, nephrite jade and black obsidian) ◈ 2-hour Customized Bodywork Session with Diego Wallraff (worth $500; included for 2-week program participants only)


Travel Guidelines

As of now, Bali requires proof of COVID vaccination or approved medical exemption letter in order to be able to travel to the country. We will keep you updated as travel restrictions evolve. We strongly recommend purchasing trip insurance regardless.

Flight Information: 6.2 mi away from Ubud and 31 mi from Ngurah Rai Airport

Hidden among hillside gardens and surrounded by the lush jungles of Bali, this wellness resort offers spacious villas and a free shuttle service to the town center twice daily. The property has its own waterfall, infinity pool and two yoga bales facing a tropical forest.

Flight Information: 6.2 mi away from Ubud and 31 mi from Ngurah Rai Airport

Hidden among hillside gardens and surrounded by the lush jungles of Bali, this wellness resort offers spacious villas and a free shuttle service to the town center twice daily. The property has its own waterfall, infinity pool and two yoga bales facing a tropical forest.

What Your Day Will Look Like

Week 1 — Retreat

7:00 AM

Optional Silent Self-Guided Practice/Meditation

7:30 AM

Yoga, Qi Gong & Meditation

9:15 AM


10:45 AM

Free Time

11:30 PM


4:00 PM


6:00 PM


7:30 PM

Free Time

Week 2 — Training

7:00 AM

Optional Silent Self-Guided Practice/Meditation

7:30 AM

Yoga, Qi Gong & Meditation

9:15 AM


11:00 AM

Training Session

1:30 PM


2:30 PM

Free Time

4:00 PM

Training Session

6:00 PM


7:30 PM

Training Session

What Your Day Will Look Like

Week 1 — Retreat

7:00 AM

Optional Silent Self-Guided Practice/Meditation

7:30 AM

Yoga, Qi Gong & Meditation

9:15 AM


10:45 AM

Free Time

11:30 PM


4:00 PM


6:00 PM


7:30 PM

Free Time

Week 2 — Training

7:00 AM

Optional Silent Self-Guided Practice/Meditation

7:30 AM

Yoga, Qi Gong & Meditation

9:15 AM


11:00 AM

Training Session

1:30 PM


2:30 PM

Free Time

4:00 PM

Training Session

6:00 PM


7:30 PM

Training Session

To Your Retreat


Coconut oil

Or other natural oil


Hiking shoes

Rain gear

Just in case

Comfortable yoga clothes


White clothing

Insect Repellent

Sun hat


A sexy piece of clothing or lingerie

That you feel like a Goddess in!

Blindfold/eye mask

Or bandana to cover eyes

Yoni egg

*Each participant will be given one in Rose Quartz

To Your Retreat


Coconut oil

Or other natural oil


Hiking shoes

Rain gear

Just in case

Comfortable yoga clothes


White clothing

Insect Repellent

Sun hat


A sexy piece of clothing or lingerie

That you feel like a Goddess in!

Blindfold/eye mask

Or bandana to cover eyes

Yoni egg

*Each participant will be given one in Rose Quartz

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The training paid for itself for me personally within 2 weeks...

I literally ran a retreat 2 weeks after Shayna’s training and I felt so much ease and confidence, thanks to the level of training and professionalism Shayna’s program taught me. The training paid for itself for me personally within 2 weeks—I got a client whom I will be sharing these new techniques with (which were a new selling point in my offering!). This is not some random certification—this is the real deal led by someone that values integrity in her teachings, delivering value for money, professionalism, with a deeply trauma-informed approach.

Natalie Kennedy, Relationship Coach, Podcast Host & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The amount of information and practices... is always more than one can take away.

Shayna is an amazing human and a wise channeller. Her creativity, wisdom and kindness always leave me at awe. The amount of information and practices she gives at her retreats and trainings is always more than one can take away... Wish to quote and record every word spoken by her. I always leave a whole new and different person after her retreats and meetings, and wishing a lot more people to benefit from her work.

Anna Miller, Yoga Teacher & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[E]mpowered me to grow personally and enabled me to uplift and inspire other women.

I have taken your valuable insights and made them an integral part of my own journey. Your teachings have empowered me to grow personally and enabled me to uplift and inspire other women. I cannot express enough gratitude for the gift I have bestowed upon myself by embracing your wisdom.

Katrin Delorme, Sound Healer & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

What Your Dining Experience Will Be

Besides the lush surroundings, luxurious accommodations, amazing women and transformational teachings on the retreat, one thing must be in place in order for a retreat to be a truly unforgettable experience, and that is: THE FOOD!

What Your Dining Experience Will Be

Besides the lush surroundings, luxurious accommodations, amazing women and transformational teachings on the retreat, one thing must be in place in order for a retreat to be a truly unforgettable experience, and that is: THE FOOD!

At the heart of our retreat experience lies Surya Restaurant, where every meal is a celebration of the senses. Nestled amidst natural breezes with a spectacular view of the river valley, gardens and Mount Agung, Surya Restaurant offers a culinary journey like no other. You can expect freshly sourced ingredients, blended with herbs and spices to create a scintillating and unforgettable dining experience.

We believe that nourishment extends beyond just the physical—it is a holistic experience that encompasses the activation of all senses. Each dish is carefully crafted not only to tantalize the taste buds but also to ignite the senses, allowing participants to fully immerse themselves in the present moment and savor every bite with mindfulness and pleasure.

At the heart of our retreat experience lies Surya Restaurant, where every meal is a celebration of the senses. Nestled amidst natural breezes with a spectacular view of the river valley, gardens and Mount Agung, Surya Restaurant offers a culinary journey like no other. You can expect freshly sourced ingredients, blended with herbs and spices to create a scintillating and unforgettable dining experience.

We believe that nourishment extends beyond just the physical—it is a holistic experience that encompasses the activation of all senses. Each dish is carefully crafted not only to tantalize the taste buds but also to ignite the senses, allowing participants to fully immerse themselves in the present moment and savor every bite with mindfulness and pleasure.

Fresh vegetables, grown organically on both the retreat center's onsite garden and their sister farm resort—form the foundation of the culinary creations on the Embodied Wisdom Retreat + Training. Daily retreat menu features specially-designed options for vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free preferences, ensuring that every guest's dietary needs are catered to with creativity and care.

Furthermore, we understand that each individual has unique dietary preferences and restrictions. The culinary team at our retreat center is dedicated to accommodating special dietary needs, providing personalized meals that meet individual requirements and preferences, ensuring that every participant feels fully nourished and empowered throughout their retreat journey.

Fresh vegetables, grown organically on both the retreat center's onsite garden and their sister farm resort—form the foundation of the culinary creations on the Embodied Wisdom Retreat + Training. Daily retreat menu features specially-designed options for vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free preferences, ensuring that every guest's dietary needs are catered to with creativity and care.

Furthermore, we understand that each individual has unique dietary preferences and restrictions. The culinary team at our retreat center is dedicated to accommodating special dietary needs, providing personalized meals that meet individual requirements and preferences, ensuring that every participant feels fully nourished and empowered throughout their retreat journey.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The training paid for itself for me personally within 2 weeks...

I literally ran a retreat 2 weeks after Shayna’s training and I felt so much ease and confidence, thanks to the level of training and professionalism Shayna’s program taught me. The training paid for itself for me personally within 2 weeks—I got a client whom I will be sharing these new techniques with (which were a new selling point in my offering!). This is not some random certification—this is the real deal led by someone that values integrity in her teachings, delivering value for money, professionalism, with a deeply trauma-informed approach.

Natalie Kennedy, Relationship Coach, Podcast Host & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The amount of information and practices... is always more than one can take away.

Shayna is an amazing human and a wise channeller. Her creativity, wisdom and kindness always leave me at awe. The amount of information and practices she gives at her retreats and trainings is always more than one can take away... Wish to quote and record every word spoken by her. I always leave a whole new and different person after her retreats and meetings, and wishing a lot more people to benefit from her work.

Anna Miller, Yoga Teacher & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[E]mpowered me to grow personally and enabled me to uplift and inspire other women.

I have taken your valuable insights and made them an integral part of my own journey. Your teachings have empowered me to grow personally and enabled me to uplift and inspire other women. I cannot express enough gratitude for the gift I have bestowed upon myself by embracing your wisdom.

Katrin Delorme, Sound Healer & Embodied Wisdom Facilitator

Early-bird Promo Book Now & Save $200 UNTIL January 31 ONLY

Early-bird Promo Book Now & Save $200 UNTIL January 31 ONLY

Get away to a luxurious villa tucked deep within the tropical forests of Bali

*A $700 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot. 

You can LEAVE A DEPOSIT or PAY IN FULL. Payment plans available.

Get away to a luxurious villa tucked deep within the tropical forests of Bali

*A $700 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot. You can LEAVE A DEPOSIT or PAY IN FULL. Payment plans available.

Shared room


per person

Private Room


per person

Superior Chalet

The Superior Chalet is located in the middle of lavish tropical forest and closed to the Wos River that flows directly to Campuhan, Ubud—well-known as a source of holy water as well as inspiration for holy men and artists. The building design was inspired by Balinese rice barn or “lumbung,” which is normally built as a rice or herb storage made of raised wooden deck. The Superior Chalet is divided into two storeys, consisting of one bedroom on every level.

Shared room


per person

Private Room


per person

Superior Villa

Superior Villas are located in the middle level on site where you can gaze at lavish tropical forest through the large windows. The bedroom has spacious terrace furnished with comfortable day bed and dining table. When you are lucky, you might sight some exotic animals such as monkey, squirrel along with firefly while winding down under the stars. This private villa is recommended for solo travelers especially.

Shared room


per person

Private Room


per person

Superior Chalet

The Superior Chalet is located in the middle of lavish tropical forest and closed to the Wos River that flows directly to Campuhan, Ubud—well-known as a source of holy water as well as inspiration for holy men and artists. The building design was inspired by Balinese rice barn or “lumbung,” which is normally built as a rice or herb storage made of raised wooden deck. The Superior Chalet is divided into two storeys, consisting of one bedroom on every level.

Shared room


per person

Private Room


per person

Superior Villa

Superior Villas are located in the middle level on site where you can gaze at lavish tropical forest through the large windows. The bedroom has spacious terrace furnished with comfortable day bed and dining table. When you are lucky, you might sight some exotic animals such as monkey, squirrel along with firefly while winding down under the stars. This private villa is recommended for solo travelers especially.

You deserve to invest in yourself. Join us in Bali next May.

Superior Chalet

The Superior Chalet is located in the middle of lavish tropical forest and closed to the Wos River that flows directly to Campuhan, Ubud—well-known as a source of holy water as well as inspiration for holy men and artists. The building design was inspired by Balinese rice barn or “lumbung,” which is normally built as a rice or herb storage made of raised wooden deck. The Superior Chalet is divided into two storeys, consisting of one bedroom on every level.

Shared room


per person

Private Room


per person

Superior Villa

Superior Villas are located in the middle level on site where you can gaze at lavish tropical forest through the large windows. The bedroom has spacious terrace furnished with comfortable day bed and dining table. When you are lucky, you might sight some exotic animals such as monkey, squirrel along with firefly while winding down under the stars. This private villa is recommended for solo travelers especially.

Shared room


per person

Private Room


per person

Superior Chalet

The Superior Chalet is located in the middle of lavish tropical forest and closed to the Wos River that flows directly to Campuhan, Ubud—well-known as a source of holy water as well as inspiration for holy men and artists. The building design was inspired by Balinese rice barn or “lumbung,” which is normally built as a rice or herb storage made of raised wooden deck. The Superior Chalet is divided into two storeys, consisting of one bedroom on every level.

Shared room


per person

Private Room


per person

Superior Villa

Superior Villas are located in the middle level on site where you can gaze at lavish tropical forest through the large windows. The bedroom has spacious terrace furnished with comfortable day bed and dining table. When you are lucky, you might sight some exotic animals such as monkey, squirrel along with firefly while winding down under the stars. This private villa is recommended for solo travelers especially.

Shared room


per person

Private Room


per person

You deserve to invest in yourself. Join us in Bali next May.

About Your Retreat Leader

Shayna Hiller is a yoga and meditation teacher and Certified Health Coach based in Los Angeles, California. She is also a women’s healing and embodiment guide and business coach for yoga teachers. Her method encompasses teachings and practices from Yoga, Tantra, Coaching, Modern Psychology and Tao Healing Arts.

Having healed herself from a severe eating disorder, nonexistent libido and lack of menstruation for over a decade, she is passionate about helping women heal from trauma, awaken their feminine energy and use pleasure as the guiding force for generating more peace, power, prosperity and magic in their lives.

Shayna has been teaching yoga and leading wellness retreats around the world for over the past 16 years. She took her first Yoga Teacher Training in Interdisciplinary Yoga in 2006 at the Nosara Yoga Institute under the guidance of Don and Amba Stapleton. Additional studies include Children’s Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Trauma Informed Tantra, Meditation, Shamanic Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong. She is a certified Sacred Feminine Facilitator and Tao Shamanic Priestess through the Tao Tantric Arts.

Shayna graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a Certified Health Coach in 2008. She has been fortunate to study with many master teachers from various lineages and her teachings draw from many different traditions adapted for modern times. She offers classes, courses and trainings virtually and in-person. Whether you are a self-care and wellness junkie or just beginning your healing journey, you will feel right at home with Shayna's teachings.

About Your Retreat Leader

Shayna Hiller is a yoga and meditation teacher and Certified Health Coach based in Los Angeles, California. She is also a women’s healing and embodiment guide and business coach for yoga teachers. Her method encompasses teachings and practices from Yoga, Tantra, Coaching, Modern Psychology and Tao Healing Arts.

Having healed herself from a severe eating disorder, nonexistent libido and lack of menstruation for over a decade, she is passionate about helping women heal from trauma, awaken their feminine energy and use pleasure as the guiding force for generating more peace, power, prosperity and magic in their lives.

Shayna has been teaching yoga and leading wellness retreats around the world for over the past 16 years. She took her first Yoga Teacher Training in Interdisciplinary Yoga in 2006 at the Nosara Yoga Institute under the guidance of Don and Amba Stapleton. Additional studies include Children’s Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Trauma Informed Tantra, Meditation, Shamanic Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong. She is a certified Sacred Feminine Facilitator and Tao Shamanic Priestess through the Tao Tantric Arts.

Shayna graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a Certified Health Coach in 2008. She has been fortunate to study with many master teachers from various lineages and her teachings draw from many different traditions adapted for modern times. She offers classes, courses and trainings virtually and in-person. Whether you are a self-care and wellness junkie or just beginning your healing journey, you will feel right at home with Shayna's teachings.

About Your Guest Teacher

Diego Wallraff, LMT, CSB, is a Certified Master Bodyworker and Transformational Coach. He has been offering his gifts for the purpose of supporting fellow humans in their personal healing process for more than 30 years. His customized Healing Sessions are a fusion of a variety of therapeutic modalities, breathwork, sound healing and somatic bodywork. 

Every session is a unique experience designed to support the receiver’s desire and inquiry for well-being and expansion by drawing from the flowing strokes of Esalen Massage, Shiatsu, Cranio-Sacral, Structural Integration, Reiki, Pre and Postnatal, Tantra Massage and Sound/Energy Healing.

If desired, specific modalities can be added as a safe way to connect directly with the receiver's erotic intelligence. This process works on multiple levels to support clearing trauma and igniting creativity and empowerment. Aside from addressing the body on the structural/physical level, the work also has an effect on the energetic plane as well as the emotional/psychological system and potentially even the spiritual realm.

Diego’s Healing Modalities can effectively address and rewire a variety of topics around sexual healing—from learning/improving how to tap deeper into pleasure to addressing past/present sexual trauma and limitations, and by extension has the ability to re-pattern the brain and cellular system to create whole body healing and a new way of experiencing life with increased energy and expanded awareness of pleasure in the body.

These highly specialized sessions are a wonderful opportunity for supporting one's personal journey of expansion and growth during the retreat + training.

What would be the reason for a male presence at a women’s retreat or training?

Diego Wallraff, who also happens to be Shayna’s life partner, has co-facilitated many women’s circles and has professionally supported women’s healing for the past 15 years. As a bodyworker, he has supported many women during their pregnancies and he has been studying Tantra for the past 30 years.

In addition to his advanced education and high-quality skillset in the Healing Arts, what makes his work powerful and effective is his impeccable sense of integrity and his ability to hold a safe space and respect personal boundaries. 

Having him as a male presence with his distinguished set of qualities is a unique and potent addition to the team as he embodies the Divine Masculine, providing a sense of balance and grounding which syncs up beautifully from a polarity viewpoint with the Divine Feminine.

About Your Guest Teacher

Diego Wallraff, LMT, CSB, is a Certified Master Bodyworker and Transformational Coach. He has been offering his gifts for the purpose of supporting fellow humans in their personal healing process for more than 30 years. His customized Healing Sessions are a fusion of a variety of therapeutic modalities, breathwork, sound healing and somatic bodywork. 

Every session is a unique experience designed to support the receiver’s desire and inquiry for well-being and expansion by drawing from the flowing strokes of Esalen Massage, Shiatsu, Cranio-Sacral, Structural Integration, Reiki, Pre and Postnatal, Tantra Massage and Sound/Energy Healing.

If desired, specific modalities can be added as a safe way to connect directly with the receiver's erotic intelligence. This process works on multiple levels to support clearing trauma and igniting creativity and empowerment. Aside from addressing the body on the structural/physical level, the work also has an effect on the energetic plane as well as the emotional/psychological system and potentially even the spiritual realm.

Diego’s Healing Modalities can effectively address and rewire a variety of topics around sexual healing—from learning/improving how to tap deeper into pleasure to addressing past/present sexual trauma and limitations, and by extension has the ability to re-pattern the brain and cellular system to create whole body healing and a new way of experiencing life with increased energy and expanded awareness of pleasure in the body.

These highly specialized sessions are a wonderful opportunity for supporting one's personal journey of expansion and growth during the retreat + training.

What would be the reason for a male presence at a women’s retreat or training?

Diego Wallraff, who also happens to be Shayna’s life partner, has co-facilitated many women’s circles and has professionally supported women’s healing for the past 15 years. As a bodyworker, he has supported many women during their pregnancies and he has been studying Tantra for the past 30 years.

In addition to his advanced education and high-quality skillset in the Healing Arts, what makes his work powerful and effective is his impeccable sense of integrity and his ability to hold a safe space and respect personal boundaries. 

Having him as a male presence with his distinguished set of qualities is a unique and potent addition to the team as he embodies the Divine Masculine, providing a sense of balance and grounding which syncs up beautifully from a polarity viewpoint with the Divine Feminine.

About Your Guest Teacher

Aradia Julia Sunseri is the founder of Ritual Movement Arts. She is a lifelong Devoted Yogini, Fusion Belly Dance Artist and Ayurveda Practitioner.

She has over 18 years of experience in teaching movement arts and professional performance in theater, film and stage.

Since 2008, Aradia has been facilitating women’s international retreats and mentorship programs. Her art is rooted in somatic dance therapy modalities, ritual performance and theatrical improvisation. Her core teachings relate to dance as medicine and ceremonial dances of the spirit (Dance your Mythos).

Aradia focuses on these integrative therapies, weaving somatic movements such as sacred dance and yoga, with ritual and meditation. Her teachings are based on non-dualistic earth wisdom goddess traditions. These practices are nurturing and holistic with the intention to bring balance into everyday life.

As an (AHC) practitioner and women’s health specialist, she also holds degrees in Somatic therapy, yoga Nidra, tantra, womb healing, and herbalism.                       

She continues pouring her heart and soul into sacred dance, ritual, and empowering women through authentic sisterhood. Her innovative style blends Tribal fusion belly dance, Nepalese, Ballet, and ceremonial dances that hold the blueprint of energy healing through dance as a spiritual practice.

Aradia facilitates sacred dance online courses, international retreats, workshops, and courses in essential magick. These transformational teachings empower women to unlock their own birthright of embodiment and deepen their wild woman soul connection to this planet and their unique purpose.

Honoring the traditions and lineage work of sacred dance, she weaves the meditative aspects of ceremony and cultivation of personal practice. Aradia empowers the global sisterhood in awakening into the body’s natural wisdom and ecstasy of self-expression.

Featured In

Get Ready for Magic...

This retreat + training will sell out as space is extremely limited in order to maintain an intimate container. If you feel the call and your soul says yes, apply today and celebrate yourself for this wise investment!

© 2024 Shayna Hiller. All Rights Reserved.

Featured In

Get Ready for Magic...

This retreat + training will sell out as space is extremely limited in order to maintain an intimate container. If you feel the call and your soul says yes, apply today and celebrate yourself for this wise investment!

© 2024 Shayna Hiller. All Rights Reserved.

Get Ready for Magic...

This retreat + training will sell out as space is extremely limited in order to maintain an intimate container. If you feel the call and your soul says yes, apply today and celebrate yourself for this wise investment!

© 2023 Shayna Hiller. All Rights Reserved.